
Available since framework version 1.0.

Defined in : RRadioMenuItem.con
(this file must be included in your application in order to have access)

Inherits : RCheckMenuItem  


A RCheckMenuItem that belongs to a group.
At each instant exactly one of the menu items from a group is selected.


Sets or gets another RRadioMenuItem to group with


This is the standard contructor for this class and should not be used directly


Event fired when the RRadioMenuItem changes its group (property GroupWith changes)

Inherited from RCheckMenuItem

Inherited properties from RCheckMenuItem

Sets or checks if the check menu item is selected or not
Whether the menu item looks like a radio menu item
Sets or checks if the check menu item is inconsistent or not

Inherited methods from RCheckMenuItem

This is the standard contructor for this class and should not be used directly

Inherited events from RCheckMenuItem

Event fired when the menu item is toggled

Inherited from RMenuItem

Inherited properties from RMenuItem

Sets or gets the shortcut key for the menu item
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
Sets or checks whether the menu item appears justified at the right(if set to true) side of a menu bar
Sets or gets the RMenu set as the menu item submenu

Inherited methods from RMenuItem

TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
This is the standard contructor for this class and should not be used directly
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this

Inherited events from RMenuItem

Emitted when the item is activated
Emitted when the item is activated, but also if the menu item has a submenu

Inherited from RItem

Inherited methods from RItem

Deselects the menu item
Selects the menu item
Toggles the menu item

Inherited events from RItem

Event fired when the user deselects the menu item
Event fired when the user selects the menu item
Event fired when the user toggles the menu item

Inherited from SingleContainer

Inherited properties from SingleContainer

The only child of a SingleContainer

Inherited methods from SingleContainer

This function is used to Add a child to a SingleContainer

Inherited from VisibleRemoteObject

Inherited properties from VisibleRemoteObject

This property sets or gets the background color of a control
This is the data received by the control on which this control is dropped OnDragDataReceived
TODO: Document this
When this property is set to true, a control can be dragged by the user (using the mouse)
When this property is set to true, a control can receive Dragable objects
When this property is set to true, a control can receive focus (is enabled)
This property sets or gets the foreground color of a control
Allows to modify the font used by a control via the RFont class
This property gets the height (in pixels) of a control
This property sets or gets the background color of an inactive object
This property sets or gets the foreground color of an inactive object
This property gets the number of pixels from the left margin of this control to the left margin of its parent
TODO: Document this
This property gets or sets the minimum height(in pixels) for a control
This property gets or sets the minimum width for a control
This property sets or gets the mouse cursor image using a stock image
This property sets the image used by the mouse cursor from a RImage object
This property sets or gets the type of the packing used for the next child of this control
This property sets or gets the type of the packing for this control
This property gets or sets the popup menu used for this control (the menu that appears when the mouse is right clicked)
This property sets or gets the background color of a selected control
This property sets or gets the foreground color of a selected control
This property sets or gets the tool tip for a visible object
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
This property gets the number of pixels from the top margin of this control to the top margin of its parent
This is a property that encapsulates custom data that needs to be attached to a control
A Boolean value specifying whether the button is visible
This property gets the width (in pixels) of a control

Inherited methods from VisibleRemoteObject

This function is used to confirm the Delete event in an OnDelete event that needs confirmation
Some events require confirmation
This function tells the client that a control is no longer needed and can be deleted
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
This function marks the control as focused
This function hides this control by setting the Visible property to false
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
Sends a message to the client
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
This function shows this control by setting the Visible property to true
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this

Inherited events from VisibleRemoteObject

Event triggered by user pressing button
Event triggered by user releasing button
This event is fired for each child property that has changed on an object
Event triggered by a window resizing
Event triggered by window begin closed
Informs objects that their text direction has been changed (if the control contains text)
This event is fired on the drag source when a drag is started
This event is fired on the drag source when a drag with the move action is successfully completed
This event is fired on the drag source when the drop site requests the data which is dragged
This event is fired on the drop site when the dragged data has been received
The event is fired on the drop site when the user drops the data onto the control
This event is fired on the drag source when a drag is finished
This event is fired on the drop site when the cursor leaves the control
The event is fired on the drop site when the user moves the cursor over the control during a drag
Generated when the pointer enters a window
This event is fired when another event is fired
Event triggered by window requiring a refresh
This event is fired when this control receives focus(check GTK documentation for more information)
This event is fired when this control receives focus(check GTK documentation for more information)
This event is fired when this control looses its focus(check GTK documentation for more information)
This event is fired when this control grabs focus
Event fired when a control is grabbed(check GTK for more information)
Event triggered when the control is hidden
Informs objects that their top level control has been changed
This event is fired whenever the Sender control picks up a key pressed signal
This event is fired whenever the user releases a key
Generated when the pointer leaves a window
Event triggered when the control is mapped (please check GTK documentation for more information)
Event triggered when the control is raising a map_event signal (please check GTK documentation for more information)
Event fired when a mnemonic is activated(check GTK for more information)
Event triggered by user moving pointer
Event triggered by window requiring a refresh
This event is fired when the control's parent is changed
Event triggered when a property of the control is changed(please check GTK documentation for more information)
Proximity events are generated when using GDK's wrapper for the XInput extension
Proximity events are generated when using GDK's wrapper for the XInput extension
Event triggered when the control is realized (please check GTK documentation for more information)
This event is fired when the screen is changed(check GTK documentation for more information)
Generated from button presses for the buttons 4 to 7
Generated when a selection is requested or ownership of a selection is taken over by another client application
The "selection-get" event is fired when the selection data is requested from control(see gtk documentation for more information)
Generated when a selection is requested or ownership of a selection is taken over by another client application
This event is fired when the selection data is received from control(see gtk documentation for more information)
Generated when a selection is requested or ownership of a selection is taken over by another client application
Event triggered when the control is shown
Event triggered after the control is resized (please check GTK documentation for more information)
Event triggered before the control is resized (please check GTK documentation for more information)
Event triggered when the control's state is changed(please check GTK documentation for more information)
Informs objects that their style has been changed
Event triggered when the control is mapped (please check GTK documentation for more information)
Event triggered when the control is raising a unmap_event signal (please check GTK documentation for more information)
Event triggered when the control is unrealized (please check GTK documentation for more information)
This event is fired whenever the Sender control visibility is changed
This event is generated when the state of a toplevel window changes

Inherited from RemoteObject

Inherited properties from RemoteObject

This function returns the Parent for a specific Concept GUI Object
The RID (Remote ID) for an object

Inherited methods from RemoteObject

TODO: Document this
This function sets up a timer
TODO: Document this
This function finds the object corresponding to the ID parameter
TODO: Document this
This is a special function, wich should be used after a GUI object was created that has no parent
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
This member tells to the remote control to repaint itself(Queue for redraw)
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this