
Available since framework version 1.0.

Defined in : RemoteObject.con
(this file must be included in your application in order to have access)

Require : concept.helper.idgenerator


This is the base class for all the Concept remote objects.


This function returns the Parent for a specific Concept GUI Object
The RID (Remote ID) for an object


TODO: Document this
This function sets up a timer
TODO: Document this
This function finds the object corresponding to the ID parameter
TODO: Document this
This is a special function, wich should be used after a GUI object was created that has no parent
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
This member tells to the remote control to repaint itself(Queue for redraw)
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this