
Available since framework version 1.0.

Defined in : RAdjustment.con
(this file must be included in your application in order to have access)

Inherits : RemoteObject  


A class representing an adjustable bounded value.
The RAdjustment object represents a value which has an associated lower and upper bound, together with step and page increments, and a page size. It is used within several controls, including RSpinButton, RViewPort, and RVScrollbar, RHScrollbar, RVScale, RHScale.


Sets the standard increment value
Sets or gets the lower value for a RAdjustment
Sets or gets the page increment
Sets or gets the page size
Sets or gets the upper value for a RAdjustment
Sets or gets the value for a RAdjustment


This is the standard constructor and should not be called explicitly


This event is raised when the RAdjustment parameters change
This event is raised when the RAdjustment value changes

Inherited from RemoteObject

Inherited properties from RemoteObject

This function returns the Parent for a specific Concept GUI Object
The RID (Remote ID) for an object

Inherited methods from RemoteObject

TODO: Document this
This function sets up a timer
TODO: Document this
This function finds the object corresponding to the ID parameter
TODO: Document this
This is a special function, wich should be used after a GUI object was created that has no parent
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
This member tells to the remote control to repaint itself(Queue for redraw)
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this