Initialize session data. Creates a session or resumes the current one based on the current session id that's being passed via a request, such as GET, POST, or a cookie.
Return value:
Returns a string representing the session id.
import 'web.server.api'
// Settings for Apache ... copy the following paragraph to the end
// of httpd.conf in your Apache installation directory, and replace
// "C:/Distribution/Bin/" with your path to concept Disitrbution
// directory
// ScriptAlias /con/ "c:/Distribution/Bin/"
// AddType application/x-httpd-con .con
// AddType application/x-httpd-con .csp
// Action application/x-httpd-con "/con/concept-cgi.exe"
class Main {
function Main() {
var SESSID=SessionStart();
if (WebVar("action")=="destroy")
else {
echo "Server software : "+ ServerVar("SERVER_SOFTWARE") + "<br>";
echo "Server name : "+ ServerVar("SERVER_NAME") + "<br>";
echo "Gateway interface : "+ ServerVar("GATEWAY_INTERFACE") + "<br>";
echo "Server protocol : "+ ServerVar("SERVER_PROTOCOL") + "<br>";
echo "Server port : "+ ServerVar("SERVER_PORT") + "<br>";
echo "Request method : "+ ServerVar("REQUEST_METHOD") + "<br>";
echo "Path info : "+ ServerVar("PATH_INFO") + "<br>";
echo "Path translated : "+ ServerVar("PATH_TRANSLATED") + "<br>";
echo "Script name : "+ ServerVar("SCRIPT_NAME") + "<br>";
echo "Query string : "+ ServerVar("QUERY_STRING") + "<br>";
echo "Remote host : "+ ServerVar("REMOTE_HOST") + "<br>";
echo "Remote address : "+ ServerVar("REMOTE_ADDR") + "<br>";
echo "Authentification type : "+ ServerVar("AUTH_TYPE") + "<br>";
echo "Remote user : "+ ServerVar("REMOTE_USER") + "<br>";
echo "Remote ident : "+ ServerVar("REMOTE_IDENT") + "<br>";
echo "<b>Session ID</b> : " + SESSID;
echo "<br>";
echo "<b>Action</b>=" + WebVar("action");
echo "<br>";
echo "<b>Action (session)</b>=" + SessionVar("Action");