a valid and socket descriptor, as returned by SocketCreate
Closes a socket. After a socket is closed, it cannot be used.
Return value:
Returns 0 if succeeded, or -1 if failed. This function fails is socket is not a socket descriptor, the network subsystem fails, a blocking socket call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function or the socket is marked as nonblocking and SO_LINGER is set to a nonzero time-out value.
import standard.net.socket
class Main {
function Main() {
var s=SocketCreate();
echo "Connecting ... ";
if (SocketConnect(s,"localhost",3500)==-1) {
echo "Couldn't Connect :"+SocketError(s)+"\n";
return 0;
echo "Connected !\n";
for (var i=0;i<10;i++)
echo SocketWrite(s,"SUPERMAN $i !");