newsletter is available since version 1.0.


number newsletter(string from, array to, array|string headers, array|string content[, boolean do_not_wait_confirmation=false] [, string smtp_server="localhost"][,number smtp_port=25])


the address of the sender
the recipients' address (an array containing the addresses as strings)
the e-mail headers; an array containing strings as header or a string (if the same message will be sent to all recipients); if is array, then the count must mach the count of the content array.
the e-mail content; an array containing strings as content or a string (if the same message will be sent to all recipients); if is array, then the count must mach the count of the headers array.
Whether to wait for server confirmation for sending a mail or not. If no confirmation, the function will be faster, but will have less error control.
the e-mail headers; an array containing strings as header or a string (if the same message will be sent to all recipients); if is array, then the count must mach the count of the content array.
the e-mail content; an array containing strings as content or a string (if the same message will be sent to all recipients); if is array, then the count must mach the count of the headers array.
the SMTP server used
the SMTP server port


Sends one or more email messages to a list of recipients.

Return value:

Returns null if no error was encountered, or the error code returned by the server. To get the last error returned by a server, you could use mail_error. Check also mail.