Available since framework version 1.0.

Defined in : XMLDocument.con
(this file must be included in your application in order to have access)

Require : standard.lib.xml


The node of a XMLDocument. Provides access to the node of a XML tree; is based on the libxml2 library (you may want to check the libxml2 help).


Gets the first child of the xml node
Gets or sets the text contained inside the node
Gets the internal handle of the node used by the standard
Gets the last node on the same level with the xml node
Gets the name of the xml node
Gets the next node on the same level with the xml node
Gets the parent of the xml node
TODO: Document this
Gets the previous node on the same level with the xml node


Adds a child to the current xml node
Adds a sibling node after the current xml node
Adds a sibling node before the current xml node
TODO: Document this
This function creates a new node
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
TODO: Document this
This function creates a new node