
Available since framework version 1.0.

Defined in : RColumnManager.con
(this file must be included in your application in order to have access)


This class provides access to the RTreeView columns.

This class should not be used directly; it's used internally by the RTreeViewColumnManager class that is later used by the RTreeView control.


Sets the horizontal alignment for the column
Sets or gets the background color for a column as a hex number
Sets or gets the text that appears in the column header
If set to true, the user is able to click on the header of the column
If set to true, the column is able to expands itself to fill any available space
Sets or gets the fixed width of the column
Set or gets the description of the font to use for the text column
Sets or gets the foreground color for a column as a hex number
Sets or gets the maximum width of the column or -1 if no maximum is set
Sets or gets the minimum width of the column or -1 if no minimum is set
If set to true, the user can reorder the column
Making a column resizable will allow the user to resize the column (by setting to true)
If set to true, the column header is sensitive when the mouse passes over the column header
Sets or gets the sizing type of the column
Shows(if true) or hides(if false) an arrow in the header button indicating that the column is sorted
Sets or gets the direction of the sort indicator arrow
Show (if true) or hide (false) a tree column
Sets or gets the line wrapping for the text column
Sets or gets the horizontal alignment for the text in column
Sets or gets the amount of space to add on the left and right of the column text
Sets or gets the vertical alignment for the text in the column
Sets or gets the amount of space to add on the top and bottom of the text in the column


This is the standard contructor for this class and should not be used directly
This function attaches a column header to a control