
Available since framework version 1.0.

Defined in : Ftp.con
(this file must be included in your application in order to have access)

Require : standard.net.ftp


Manages a ftp connection to a server. The order of operations can be, for example: Host, User, Password, Open, OpenDir, OpenFile, Close.


Sets or gets the ftp host
Gets the last server response
Sets or gets the mode of the FTP transfers
Sets or gets the password for the ftp server set by the Host property
Send a SYST command, and returns the result
Sets or gets the username for the ftp server set by the Host property


Moves to the parent directory
Changes the current directory on the ftp server
Closes the FTP connection to Host
Creates a file on the ftp server
Deletes a file from the ftp server
Downloads a file from the ftp server
Issues a LIST command on the ftp server
Gets the size of a ftp file
Gets the time and date of the last modification of a remote file
This is the standard contructor for this class and should not be used directly
Creates a new directory on the ftp server
Opens the FTP connection to Host using the User and Password
Opens a directory on the ftp server
Opens a file on the ftp server
Gets the working directory on the ftp server
Renames a file on the ftp server
Removes a directory from the ftp server
Send a SITE command
Uploads a file to the server