
FaceRecognize is available since version 2.


number FaceRecognize(string source, array trainig_data[, var number confidence, number type=OBJECT_FILE|OBJECT_CAMERA|OBJECT_BUFFER, string training_filename="", var number out_handle=null]);


Recognizes a face and returns its index. training_data must be an array of files in type format (file or streams). If training filename is specified and training_data is an empty array, the training data will be loaded from that file. If training_data is not empty, the training data will be saved to that file.
out_handle caches all the used vectors, and you should use it only when heavy processing is done. Just pass a named variable to hold the vectors, and call CloseRecognize on it when you're done.

Return value:

Most probabile face.

		var arr2=["out/out0.png", "out/out1.png", "out/out2.png"];
		echo FaceRecognize("out/out3.png", arr2, var coef, OBJECT_FILE, "", var container);
		echo "($coef)";